At Home Infection Control Tips
Filed under: Home Cleaning
With winter flu and cold season lingering on, there’s reason to improve our health through personal hygiene and cleanliness. When we’re mindful of how we care for ourselves, we increase our chances of avoiding infections in the first place. Here are a few things you can do to give yourself the best odds of skipping sickness this year:
Avoid Touching Your Face
Your eyes, nose, and mouth are gateways for bacteria and viruses to enter your body. As you use your hands throughout the day, you touch a lot of surfaces and objects that are likely contaminated. In a thoughtless moment you might reach up to touch your face –unintentionally infecting yourself. Make a concerted effort to avoid doing this.
Wash Those Hands
Regular hand washing is critical to winning the war against infecting yourself and others. Washing means scrubbing with warm water and soap for at least twenty seconds before rinsing. When you’re in a hurry, it may be easy to simply “dip and dash” your hands in a bathroom sink, but such behavior doesn’t do you much good. Wash well, and often.
Get a Flu Shot
Although this topic has been more controversial in recent years, medical science still holds out that prevention is better than cure. It isn’t perfect, but more often than not, the flu shot provides you insurance against seasonal flu strains. That’s less for you to worry about.
Mind the Indoor Air
In the cooler months, we may find ourselves spending more time indoors. Do yourself a favor and take time to manage your home’s indoor air. Change HVAC filters to reduce dust and pet dander. Open windows in your home for a few minutes each day. Consider getting an air purifier system.
Keep Your Home Clean
A dirty home environment is a breeding ground for disease. If you’re swamped with life and need some extra hands to help you get through your cleaning routine, call Trish Duarte at MaidPro of Temecula / Murrieta for professional house cleaning support. Call today for a conversation about how we can help you maintain a clean and healthy home: (951) 506-6100.