Make Sure Your Business Security System is Ready for the Holiday Season
Filed under: Home Security
Thanksgiving is less than two weeks away, which means that we are approaching the biggest shopping day of the year. While November and December tend to be popular times for sales and shopping, unfortunately the risk of theft and fraud also goes up during this season. Consumers are spending money, and thieves see the opportunity to take advantage of inventory and purchases.
In-Store Security
A security employee at the door isn’t enough to deter customers from pocketing small items or slipping things into their bags. Retailers have large groups of people moving in and out of the store during these busy times of the year, which is why security cameras are essential. These cameras can be placed at the entrance of the building, as well as strategic spots where valuable inventory is on display.
If you don’t already have good security in place, then it is essential that you invest in a camera system to support your business throughout the year. Spending money on a security system could save your company hundreds or even thousands of dollars due to the prevention of inventory loss and theft.
Don’t overlook the necessity for security monitoring in the register area. The hope is that you can trust your employees. But, the temptation might arise, especially when so many transactions are moving through the register on a busy day. Even if an employee sees an opportunity, they might think twice if they know that the camera system is recording their every move.
Cyber Security
In addition to a camera security system in your store or business, it is also essential that you have good cybersecurity to protect online information. This security system should cover your point-of-sale equipment where the credit cards are being swiped in the store, as well as the transactions that are happening on your website. Making sure that your technology is updated can help you avoid a hack and information theft.
What type of security system is needed for your business? Talk to our experienced team to learn more about the options that are available to keep your company protected during the holiday season (and throughout the year). Contact us to schedule a consultation so that you can learn more about the security systems that are available: John Snow, ADT Corporate Business Solutions Division,, 760-404-5701