How to Maximize Health Insurance Before the End of the Year
Filed under: Health Insurance
With the end of the year approaching, annual healthcare deductibles are about to start over. Here are several ways you can maximize your insurance before the year expires:
Take Advantage of Paid Deductibles
A deductible is the cumulative amount of money you’re required to pay towards any medical costs you incur during a given insurance year. After you’ve met the deductible, your insurance will largely cover the rest of your bills. If you’ve already met the deductible this year, you might want to consider scheduling any additional medical treatments that you’ve been putting off. Just be sure you’re clear on family deductibles versus individual deductibles.
Schedule Appointments and Tests Right Away
As the holiday’s draw near, it can be more difficult to get healthcare appointments setup. Other people have the same idea about maximizing their deductibles, so competition for treatment can heat up! Medical professionals also get busier with personal schedules around the holidays, so don’t delay making the appointments you need.
Double Check Your Records
Insurance companies do their best to keep records up to date, including your medical expenses incurred. However, there is often a lag period of several months as documentation and billing works its way through the system. You may have more current information than your insurance company until the records catch up. For this reason, it’s a good idea to check with your provider about current medical expenses that apply toward your deductible.
Flexible Spending Accounts
If you have an FSA through your employer, your pre-tax contributions can be used toward qualifying health care, including unmet deductibles. Money you contribute to your FSA doesn’t roll over to the next year, so you’ll need to spend it or lose it. Check your balances to see how much you have available.
Call an Insurance Expert
Looking for insurance information or coverage plans for next year? Contact JPN Insurance Services at (951) 443-9925. When you call, you’ll be able to talk to an insurance professional that can answer all of your questions about insurance planning, coverage details, deductible amounts, etc. Call to get started.