Is Solar Right for My Home?

Filed under: Solar Installation

Whether you’re exasperated with rising electric prices, or concerned about your impact on the environment, you may have begun to wonder if solar power is right for your home. Under the right circumstances, solar power can indeed be a good investment for the following reasons.

iStock_000013689706_SmallSolar panels may increase your home’s value. In fact, you may receive up to a 100 percent return on your investment when you sell your home. Selling your solar home with a very small or no electric bill is attractive to most home buyers.

Lock in your electricity prices for the next 25 years. Solar modules are warrantied from the manufacturer for 25 years Meanwhile, average electric rates through utility companies rise 3-6 percent each year.

Solar energy is clean. For those of you who are concerned about your environmental footprint, solar energy is by far a better choice over other forms of energy. There is no fuel to be extracted from the ground, and no carbon emissions from your energy generation.

You can earn a tax credit. The federal government offers a 30% Investment Tax Credit which covers solar power installation in your home. The credit can help to offset the cost of the system. Now is a good time to purchase, because the Federal Tax Credit is set to expire at the end of 2016.

Meanwhile, the solar panels are more affordable than ever. With any new technology, we often see high prices when it is first released. But after a while, as the cost of developing the technology is recouped, prices tend to bottom out (think about the prices of flat screen TVs over the past decade). Rates for solar panels seem to have reached those affordable low levels.

Of course, there are other factors to consider before you have a solar system installed. To determine whether solar panels will be compatible with your home and budget, give us a call at New Day Solar 855-444-6329. New Day Solar will give you honest answers to your questions, with no pressure, and will let you decide if solar is right for you.