Plumbing Tips to Prepare the Home for Holiday Guests
Filed under: Plumbing tips
December is a common time to host family and friends for holiday celebrations. Are you planning a big party and inviting guests to stay in your home? Whether you will be hosting just an evening event or you will have family stay for several days, it is essential to make sure that your home is ready for hosting.
When there are a lot of people in the house, the risk of plumbing issues goes up. With so many people using the bathroom and kitchen, there is a possibility that something might cause the pipes to back up or the toilet to overflow. Here are a few things that you can do to prevent these issues:
1. Fix Slow Drains
Are there any sinks or showers that are slow to drain? Call a plumber to fix these issues before your guests arrive. Backed up drains can be unsanitary and cause the guests to be uncomfortable. These problems are easy to solve if you are proactive with the plumbing repair work before the party.
2. Have Wastebaskets Available
Make sure there is a small garbage can accessible in each bathroom. These cans make it easy for guests to dispose of personal products if needed, reducing the likelihood that people will flush the wrong things down the toilet. If you have a weak plumbing system that is prone to problems, then you might consider putting a small note by the toilet asking guests to throw away feminine products instead of flushing them.
3. Turn Up the Water Heater
With so many people using the shower, it is important to turn up the water heater so that you don’t run out of hot water. If there will be an increase in the number of people using hot water, then you want to be a good host by ensuring that there is plenty of hot water.
Before your guests arrive, there are some big benefits to talking with a professional about plumbing, heating, or air conditioning repair in your home. For more information, contact Wells Plumbing, Heating, and Air Conditioning to schedule a time for a technician to come over: (951) 375-6856.