Tips to Blend the Learning Styles of Introverts and Extroverts in the Workplace
Filed under: Business Tips
Does your business training accommodate the needs of a team that includes a range of personalities? It is beneficial to have both introverted and extroverted employees on staff due to the varying strengths that they bring to the company. But, you also need to consider ways the different learning styles can be maximized in training meetings to enable each person to perform in their best space. Optimizing the workflow and training opportunities will improve productivity, while tapping into the benefits and skills that each person brings to the team.
While it might seem like different personalities have a hard time blending around the conference room table, it is the perfect combination for a dynamic team. There are ways that you can adjust the training material to accommodate everyone in the group.
Introverts and Extroverts: Different Working Styles
An introvert is a person who finds their best workspace to be an environment where they can work on the project without the distractions that come from big group settings. These employees are most productive when they have a little more space to let the creative ideas flow.
In comparison, extroverted employees prefer an environment where they are working with a larger group of people. They enjoy brainstorming and collaborations, without the need to have personal time to work.
Structuring Employee Training
It is expected that you will have both introverted and extroverted employees in your training. You can facilitate the group learning by giving people a little bit of quiet time between collaborations. For example, you might provide a few minutes for people to take notes or prepare for the next activity. Also, consider the layout of the conference room and office space to provide places for employees who prefer a little more personal time to maximize performance.
Additionally, use a variety of teaching styles during the training. You might have a combination of personal assignments and group activities, as well as lectures and audio/visual learning. You might also consider smaller group training or one-on-one feedback sessions for people who want a little more guidance on certain subjects.
Feedback from Your Employees
The most important factor is to get feedback from the employees about the training. Do your employees feel like they have the skill sets needed to complete their job duties? What are the training gaps that need to be addressed? Listening to their feedback about the training can help you adjust the format in the future.
If you are working to improve your management style or you need help with employee management, then you should contact Jim McLaughlin for Leadership Development for Business Owners and Managers: (951) 225-2179