4 Dangers of DIY Hair Coloring Products

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Most grocery stores and drug stores sell DIY hair coloring kits, offering a variety of shades and products for a nominal price. But, these products should have warning labels! People don’t understand the risks of at-home hair coloring products. Too often, a DIY treatment is attempted, then the person spends money at a salon to fix the problems.

Danger #1: Low-Quality Ingredients

Danielle Roy

Acappella Hair Design and Color Studio

You get what you pay for! If you are spending $8.99 on a hair care product, then the formula is likely filled with unhealthy ingredients. Companies keep costs low by using fillers and inferior ingredients compared to the options that are available from salon-quality hair dye.

Danger #2: Wrong Color Tones

Not only do you need to look at the color on the product packaging, but you need to consider how that color will react with your natural hair color. For example, you might be trying to add red to a darker hair tone. If you don’t choose the right product, it could pull out purple or burgundy instead of the ginger color that you desired.

Danger #3: Damage to Your Hair

The results of hair dye can be irreversible, especially if you are going from dark to light. For example, if you are using a lightening kit on bleached hair, then there is a high risk that the hair can be fried and break off. Other problems might result such as a brassy tone or a color that fades within a few washes. Color processing can be hard to get right if you don’t have experience using the chemicals.

Danger #4: Lack of Experience

Even if you have access to quality hair dye, human error can result in serious consequences for your appearance. A professional colorist understands the techniques that need to be followed to ensure optimal results. Daily experience and years of training are essential, especially if you want a unique hair color or a professional look.

The best solution is to save yourself the hassle and embarrassment by visiting an experienced hair stylist instead. Call Danielle Wohltman-Roy, a Professional Hair Dresser and Senior Stylist at Acappella Hair Design & Color Studio: (951) 676-5980